Make your own aromatic, cooling skin smoother
MAKES: 250ml
KEEPS: 6 months
2 tbsp cocoa butter
4 tbsp shea butter
2 tbsp coconut oil
4 tbsp evening primrose oil
10 drops jasmine
10 drops sandalwood
5 drops rose
1. Gently heat the cocoa and shea butters with the coconut oil in a bain-marie until they have melted.
2. Remove from the heat and cool until hand-hot. Add all the oils and whisk well.
3. Put the bowl in the fridge, removing every 30 minutes or so to whisk.
4. When nearly set, whisk well and pour into jars.
5. Replace in the fridge until set.
Found in The Domestic Alchemist: 501 Herbal Recipes for Home, Health and Happiness by Pip Waller (Leaping Hare Press).
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